Friday, October 31, 2008

Weak Review: Mr. Glass edition

Another day, another nationally televised game against a veteran title contender. This time around at least our Blazers will have a little confidence boost by playing at home. Pay attention to how Roy plays tonight, last season the Spurs put some merciless shackles on him. Coming off a sub-par game against the Lakers, Roy's performance tonight could give us a little insight into his development. Anyways, lets see what has been happening around these parts...
- Obama inspired Oden icons. If Oden tried to run for president, he would have torn a ligament in his knee during the primaries.

- My favorite Blazers season preview was by the Music Editor of a Portland Newspaper.

- I was absolutely pumped for the season opener, then this happened.

- If you care about your health, refrain from Odenizing for a while.

Image "borrowed" from Blaze of Love. I'm off to go cry. Happy Halloween ya pagans.

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