Wednesday, September 26, 2007

NBA still loves the Blazers...Not.

For the record, I'm still alive. I've just been spending too much time watching the Iron Man trailer over and over. You know what would put that movie over the top? Ghostface cameo.
With both Tony Starks in mind:

While visiting the other day I noticed Brandon Roy's picture was headlining one of the main links on the front page. Pretty cool, as I figured the Blazers ride on the crest of basketball mainstream's radar was pretty much rehabilitating with Greg Oden. I clicked the link, only to find the only Blazer related item to be Oden's surgery. Ah well.

Then I realized that while mainstream media doesn't want to care about the Odenless Ones, they've already committed to the team, which is great for us. Just take a look at this clean TV Schedule over at OLive. Lots of ESPN and TNT appearances. Probably bad for them, but great for the fans and the team. Perhaps we'll get some more converts, and I will no longer get crazy looks when explaining that LaMarcus Aldridge is that good.

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